Hello there! Long time no see! I wanted to share with you a new project, called Kats! My dream game:) Developed in Unity. I will be updating this site with the new things that I implement to  the game from time to time, so sit tight and enjoy this new journey!
T H E  I D E A 
This is a project that my brother Diego and I have in mind since we were kids, its gonna be Pet simulator game where u can take care of lil pets that have different stats, powers and habilities!
First of all! I started adding a character controller provided by Unity and adapt it to my needs, I change the camera from Perspective to Orthographic and with the help of Cinemachine, i tracked the Position of the player so my camera can follow him! Here's a screenshot of my camera rotation set up, this kind of rotation helps camera so much!
This is the result of the character movement and the camera setup! It feels so cool.
Adding some fog and a Grass shader to the ground (I use the BruteForce Grass shader), we can already test how the graphics of the game feels! It really suits this kind of movement. The cool part of this grass is that the player can actually manipulate it, but for this i had to set it up using a Camera Texture Render and a Particle system. Another thing that i had to do was to deactivate the particles when the player jumps, so it doesnt render the grass effect on air! 

First I added a variable that stores the particles on the foot of the player, and used a Function called Groundcheck() to change the amount of particles the player can have on ground and on air!
This is the result :)
Another thing that would be needed is a Time Manager! We want to have a Day and night cycle, so for this, I first created a Scriptable Object Called LightingPreset.Cs, wich will contain gradients for the Skybox, the light and the fog of the scene, with this we can create different kinds of setups depending on what season we are!
This is all for now:) Later i will explain how i use this Scriptable object and a time manager for controlling the time and how the two are connected trough code! But for now this is the result of what i came with! Notice that we can control the time of the day when starting the game, and the Skybox and light responds to this time! Also we can control the equivalent minutes to days from realtime to game time! Pretty cool, right? ;)

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