T h e I d e a
Create an arcade game where the player can jump and bounce off walls like pong
A game! One of the things that I enjoy the most is to code in late nights! In this game, i had to code all the game, from character mechanics, state/animation systems, enemy AI, interface and even more! The most difficult thing about this project was to make a good game feel, we wanted to have a game were it brings the player back to old memories such as an Arcade
  I coded all the game using Unity C# and integrate all the assets that my team handled me!
The game presents a Samurai that have the main mechanic of slice enemies when collides with them,  if the Samurai defeats all the enemies on screen, the player would go to another round (There are 15 rounds in total, divided by 5 rounds per level)
The player can only kill enemies that matches its color.
The player can change its color with Q and E inputs, this is reflected on screen! Those bars overthere shows what colors do the player will go next if he press the correspondent key.

There are 3 types of enemies on Spirit Slash! Each enemy represents a color wich the player can only kill them if its on their color. The big one over there is Oni, a giant explosive creature that will explode everything on his way if you piss him off! Those flames in the middle is Will o Wisp, a type of fire that is static but not harmless! And the green one, is Sutoka, a enemy that will follow you and attack you!
The cool thing about the code of the enemies is that you could have the same enemies but with differents colors! So it makes the player to always be prepared on each round or level!
Or you can even have all the enemies with the same colors! So you could rush them all at once.
And with those mechanics and enemies, we created this fun and cool looking game! 
You can find it on Itch.io (Link down below)
The cool thing about this project is that i learned a lot about enemy AI and time management on C#!  

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